Denver Science Fiction & Fantasy Book Club

cover of Wake WWW: Wake (2009)
2010 Hugo Award Nominee

Ace hardcover (left)
cover design by Rita Frangie
cover photos by Steven Biver, John Lund
368 pages

November 2008 issue of Analog (right)
contains part 1 of serial of Wake
Wake (part 1) Nov 2008 Analog

From the front flap of the hardback:
       Caitlin Decter is young, pretty, feisty, a genius at math -- and blind.  Still, she can surf the net with the best of them, following its complex paths clearly in her mind.
       When a Japanese researcher develops a new signal-processing implant that might give her sight, she jumps at the chance, flying to Tokyo for the operation.
       But Caitlin's brain long ago co-opted her primary visual cortex to help her navigate online.  Once the implant is activated, instead of seeing reality, the landscape of the World Wide Web explodes into her consciousness, spreading out all around her in a riot of colors and shapes.  While exploring this amazing realm, she discovers something -- some other --lurking in the background.  And it's getting smarter...

Read for group discussion on August 25, 2010

Wake was serialized in Analog Science Fiction and Fact magazine.  It's in four parts, in the November 2008, December 2008, January-February 2009 and March 2009 issues.
How we each rated this book
Dan - Amy 6.5 stack of books 10   Wow! Don't miss it
8-9  Highly recommended
7    Recommended
5-6  Mild recommendation
3-4  Take your chances
1-2  Below average; skip it
0    Get out the flamethrower!
U    Unfinishable or unreadable
-    Skipped or no rating given
Cheri 6 Barb -
Aaron 8 Cynthia -
Jackie 6 Ron -
Bob - Molly 4
Eneasz 3 Jennifer 3.5

Our book group has also read the following books by Robert J. Sawyer:
-- Starplex  in May 1997

Robert J. Sawyer (1960-    ) is a Canadian science fiction writer.

1991 Aurora Award for Best Long Work in English for Golden Fleece
1995 Nebula Award for Best Novel for The Terminal Experiment
1995 Aurora Award for Best Long Work in English for The Terminal Experiment
1996 Aurora Award for Best Long Work in English for Starplex
1999 Aurora Award for Best Long Work in English for Flashforward
2003 Hugo Award for Best Novel for Hominids
2005 Aurora Award for Best Work in English (Other) for Relativity
2006 John W. Campbell Memorial Award for Mindscan
2007 Aurora Award for Best Short Work in English for "Biding Time"
2010 Aurora Award for Best Long Form in English for Wake

The WWW trilogy:
-- WWW: Wake (2009)
-- WWW: Watch (2010)
-- WWW: Wonder (forthcoming)

-- Golden Fleece (1990)
-- End of an Era (1994)
-- The Terminal Experiment (1995), features life after death
-- Starplex (1996)
-- Frameshift (1997)
-- Illegal Alien (1997)
-- Factoring Humanity (1998)
-- Flashforward (1999), inspired the 2009 television series FlashForward
-- Calculating God (2000), discusses religious impact of sentient aliens
-- Mindscan (2005)
-- Rollback (2007), features social effects of rejuvenation

Neanderthal Parallax series, features parallel Earth with Neanderthals:
-- Hominids (2002)
-- Humans (2003)
-- Hybrids (2003)

Quintaglio Ascension series, features intelligent dinosaurs:
-- Far-Seer (1992)
-- Fossil Hunter (1993)
-- Foreigner (1994)

-- Iterations and Other Stories (2002)
-- Relativity: Stories and Essays (2004)
-- Identity Theft and Other Stories (2008)

Robert J. Saywer official website
Robert J. Saywer - Wikipedia
The SF Site Featured Review: WWW: Wake (1)
The SF Site Featured Review: WWW: Wake (2)
SF Signal: REVIEW: Wake by Robert J. Sawyer

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This page was last updated September 30, 2010